Katia Yachmann 

Katia Yachmann is a natural born creative being with great passion for arts in all forms. Katia has played the piano since she was only 3 years old and studied with the best teachers in her native country. For her surprise, another form of art encountered her when she met talent scout and fine arts gallery owner Mr. Diego Victoria in Miami, where he immediately recognized her talent and made her the in-house artist of his gallery.  Katia became an overnight success selling her original artworks at prestigious events such as Art Basel Miami, Art Expo New York, many private exhibits in various galleries as well as her own faithful art collectors. 


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/genius_crea8ing/?hl=es 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Katia-Yachmann/1517680290 

Sunset_Print_ Any size

I love you, forgive me, I’m sorry, thank you!
~ HO’Oponopono

Katia Yachmann - artist
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Title: Balance_Print_Any size