Adrienne Walker

Adrienne Walker has been passionate about art her entire life. A native New Yorker, she now resides in Boynton Beach Florida. She majored in Music and Art at Adelphi University. While living in Boston, Adrienne studied music and art history for two years at Harvard University.

Using oils, watercolor, acrylics or stone, as an artist she creates worlds in many dimensions. Her work is created with passion from within, allowing brushstrokes to invite the viewer into her expressionist abstract paintings

Adrienne is President of Palm Beach Watercolor Society, FL (PBWS), past Treasurer for four years as well as a Signature Member. She is also a member of The Artists Guild of the Boca Raton Museum of Art, Bethel Center for the Arts in Bethel, NY, Women in The Visual Arts (WITVA), Gold Coast Watercolor Society, NAWA, Florida Watercolor Society, The Catskill NY Art Society, Arts Alliance, and Franklin Pierce Library Artists, NY.


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Adrienne Walker – artist
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