Teresa Korber

My informal training as an artist began as a child by watching both my parents work in their studios. I was raised by artists which means that art can never escape the very essence of who I am, it has always found a way back to me.

A life of artistic denial led me to a diverse path in other creative fields like live theatre, event organizing, and art curating. All the while I painted on canvases and hid them in my closet. It was not until 2010 that I began showing my work at a local Starbucks and began doing commissioned-based works for private collectors and interior designers.

After the pandemic layoffs, I committed to honor my heart’s calling, embrace my talents and pursue my career as a full-time professional fine artist. It was then that I discovered my artistic voice by covering the current events of the last few years thru my art. My works became a means to both personally cope with and publicly convey to the world the very emotionally charged times we are living in.

My creative process is one of intuition, emotive expression, and figurative impression. This is where the unconscious meets the conscious. I love the use of the body to tell a story or convey emotion and more recently, I have been creating large-scale portraits to highlight ethnic or racial minorities but always with a message of hope.

Art is a vessel thru which we can speak to the viewer in a language that can be heard in the heart. I aim to make meaningful works of art that resonate with you and make you FEEL something. I hope you find that here.

Facebook: @t.korberart

Instagram: @t.korber.art

Website: tkorber.com

Sunset_Print_ Any size

“Where the conscious meets the unconscious.” ~ Teresa Korber

Teresa Korber – artist
Title: Balance_Print_Any size
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Title: Balance_Print_Any size