Juniper Moon
Juniper Moon is a French-Caribbean Pop-Surreal artist who currently resides in South Florida. Inspired by 90’s cartoons, Juniper’s love for storytelling and character development led her to study animation and multimedia design. Juniper’s interests lie in color theory, black beauty, and spiritual connection. Using watercolor, gouache and acrylic paints, she creates patterns and layers that make one question how the black community is viewed within and outself of itself. The goal behind much of her work is to bring awareness to contemporary issues through a blend of Pop Art and Fantasy, using whatever medium piques her interest at the time. Juniper’s adoration for the Arts has long-lived in her soul, and her audience will recognize this in her style. When she is not working in her studio, Juniper can be found in her favorite bookstore reading comics, skateboarding with close friends, or playing piano with her pet bunny, Ein. Behind her quirky style is a powerful story that is ready to dominate the art scene. For the past four years, Juniper has been working in the art industry with the intent to grow as an artist and perfect her breed of the visual arts. She plans on finishing her degree in Multimedia Studies, and is also in the process of developing a fantastical world and characters for her upcoming graphic novel and fashion-line, “Xoxo, Neurotica”.
Art Shop:
Deviant Art Page:

“All my fears and tribulations are formed into a painting.”