THEME: Season of Red. Juried art exhibition at Cornell Art Museum. You are invited to submit your artwork for consideration in the Cornell Art Museum’s “Season of Red” exhibition in Delray Beach, Florida. This exhibition will focus on the positive attributes of the color red drawn from the Pride Flag and, in the holiday season, its message of love and life. The use of the color red is a motivational force for positive change.
Artwork that evokes the color “Red”, a bold and mighty hue emitting a powerful, motivational life-giving energy with a rich symbolism. It represents passion, love, life and confidence but has also been associated with danger. Art can also reflect the lively holiday season (if desired).
Submitted artwork must relate to the theme and be a minimum of 50% red in color or shades or red. NOTE: The art must NOT have been seen in a prior ArtsUnited Exhibition. Art considered is open to painting (oil acrylics, watercolor & alcohol inks), photography, 3D sculpture, mixed media, ink drawing and graphic arts. Art may not include full nudity or violence. ArtsUnited and Cornell Art Museum reserve the right to accept artwork solely at their discretion and disallow art that does not meet requirements or is not appropriate to the exhibition.
DEADLINE: Friday, November 10, 2023. You can submit up to 3 works.
VERY IMPORTANT! Label the image(s) of your submitted work(s): First Name, Last Name, Title, Size, Medium & Price.
EXAMPLE: Andy-Warhol-CAMPBELLSOUP-20×20-MixedMedia-1500.jpg. Limited size minimum – 11×14, maximum – 40×60. Be sure and submit your Artist Statement/Descriptions…short and sweet, not too long please!
ACCEPTANCE DATE: Friday, November 17, 2023 you will be notified by email if your work has or has not been chosen to exhibit.
LOCATION: Cornell Art Museum at Old School Square, 51 N. Swinton Avenue, Delray Beach, Florida 33444
EXHIBIT DATES: Friday, December 8, 2023 – Sunday, February 4, 2024
ART INTAKE: Sunday, December 3, 2023 / Noon – 3pm. Bring your chosen art to Cornell Art Museum at Old School Square
RECEPTION: Opening Night – Friday, December 8, 2023 / 6pm-9pm. Awards Ceremony at 8pm.
ARTIST SHOWCASE: Sunday, September 17, 2023 / 5pm-8pm / Featuring Performing Artists
OUTTAKE: Sunday, February 4, 2024 / Noon – 3pm. If you are not available, please arrange to have someone pick up artwork(s) on time.
ENTRY FEES: $35 for up to 3 artworks. ArtsUnited members. Not a member or need to renew? Go to artsunitedflorida.com/membership

This is a juried exhibition.
1st Place – $450
2nd Place – $250
3rd Place – $150
Honorable Mention
3 @ $50
People’s Choice (Ribbon)
BE PREPARED: If your work has been chosen, please fill out, print, and bring with you the Art Intake Form print. DON’T FORGET YOUR FORM! IMPORTANT!!! Artwork(s) must be clearly labeled on the back with Artist’s Name, TITLE, Size & Price (including the 30%). No sawtooth hangers. Artwork MUST BE WIRED and ready to hang! NO EXCEPTIONS!
YOUR ARTWORK MUST BE AVAILABLE FOR THE LENGTH OF THE SHOW. NO PICKUP BEFORE THE SCHEDULED TIME. ArtsUnited receives 30% of each artwork sale. Make sure to add 30% to your price above. We understand that although every precaution is taken when handling your work, ArtsUnited is not responsible for any damage, loss or theft of work. If artwork is sold during the exhibit, ArtsUnited has up to 30 days after exhibit closing to issue payment to the artists for the sold piece or pieces.