Ornella Verano
My most recent work “LIFE Series” centers around the current social, political and cultural issues often influenced by my own experiences in the healthcare field. Using a combination of spray paint and acrylics the work is meant to have a sense of rebellion, urgency, and spontaneity. Utilizing different mediums and creating art installations allows me to self-explore and express without constraints. Although I prefer acrylics, I have produced several works in mediums such as pencil, watercolor, charcoal, paper sculptures, and most recently oils. Just like my current project, most of my work subject matter is usually derived from my own epiphany and passion for fine cuisine, wine, travel, and science.
Email: ornellaverano@icloud.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artlabco954/

“The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.”
~ Pablo Picasso