Curtis Fedder

Photography has always been a passion of mine. An early foray into darkroom photography after college was set aside by my 35+ year career in marketing research. It has only been in recent years that I have been able to turn my attention to studying the art and craft of my early love, photography.

For me, photography is a journey of self-discovery. I often wonder why I am attracted to certain images that often seem so diverse from one another: from the well-defined to the abstract, the colorful to black and white, and from places to people. Blue is a constant companion. Form and structure appeal to my rational side. And yet, I am captivated by abstract images, triggering thoughts and emotions deep inside. While I love to revel in color, shadows, shapes, and patterns revealed by black and white photos fascinate me.

I’ve been fortunate to have my work recognized in international photography competitions including: the International Color Awards (2021 and 2022), the Black & White Spider Awards (2021), PhotoPlace Gallery Exhibitions “Essential Water” (2021) and “Open Call” (2021), the “As I See It” Coral Gables Photography competition (2021), and the Artist United 2022 “Back White and a Touch of Gray” exhibit.

Join me in my photographic journey! I hope you enjoy the world that I’ve been discovering.

Instagram: @CurtChicago_Ft.Lauderdale

Website: CurtisFedderFineArtPhotography

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Curtis Fedder – photographer
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