Sharron Demarest
When I was a kid, we would visit my grandmother. While the adults were gathered around the kitchen table, I would venture into the basement of my grandmother’s house where she hoarded stacks of back issues of Life, Look, and National Geographic magazines. I would collect my own stack of magazines and haul them upstairs to the kitchen table where I would pull up a chair and, with one ear tuned into the adult conversations, I would go through the magazines.
At some point it occurred to me that I was seeing in the pages of those magazines the conversations that the adults around me were having. And that’s when I decided I wanted a camera.
The other things those conversations around that kitchen table taught me are that human behavior is fascinating. Today, I photograph human behavior, the nuances and the quirks that make each person special. National Geographic also taught me there is great beauty in the world and when I’m not chasing human behavior I look for beauty.