Start or Renew Your Membership
Please see our membership types below. Whether you are becoming a new member or renewing your expired membership, please complete the form on this page.
Individual: $60 – artist or art ally gets an annual membership and the option to promote your artwork on your own page in the ‘Artists’ section.
Student: $20 – an enrolled high school or college student gets an annual membership and the option to promote your artwork on your own page in the ‘Artists’ section.
Family: $90 – two members in the same household gets an annual membership and the option to promote your artwork on your own page in the ‘Artists’ section..
Art Lover: $150 – gets an annual membership and a free pass to all the ArtsUnited only events for the year.
VIP: $1,000 – gets an annual membership and a free pass to all the ArtsUnited only events, plus if you are an artist you receive free submissions to all the exhibitions for the year and the option to promote your artwork on your own page in the ‘Artists’ section. Also a full page ad in program of your business and logo on all the promotional materials upcoming events.
*PLEASE NOTE: Artist webpages may be updated annually upon renewal of your membership.*
If for any reason you are unable to make the payment online you can also mail a check to the following address:
ArtsUnited Inc.
1350 East Sunrise Boulevard
Suite 117
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304
Remember to add to the memo of your check whether you are paying for a new membership, renewing and the name of the member.

Gift Membership: $60 – Give the gift of art. Purchase a gift membership for someone who loves art as much as you do! Just use the PayPal button below
Take a look at our membership perks and learn why you should be an ArtsUnited Member