Alyssa Lapidus

Alyssa Lapidus, a photographer and mixed media artist. Originally from Cornwall, New York. Now resides in the Sunshine State, Florida. A change of scenery is always a breath of fresh air, especially being an artist. Alyssa captivates viewers through unique perspectives and eye-popping colors. Focusing on nature, architecture and macro. Growing up, when asked what do you want to be when you grow up? She always replied, an artist. She shared a love for photography with her father. Sunday mornings were for discovering the road less traveled, cruising on the Harley or in the Mustang. Taking breaks at the most beautiful vantage points along the way, savoring the views.

Previously, Alyssa worked closely with various artists in New York, while simultaneously pursuing her own photography projects, Etsy shop and other creative endeavors. Alyssa loves to hike and submerge herself in nature, where most of her inspiration stems from. Florida has been a wonderful adventure and transition, so many new places to discover and treasure, to reconnect with nature and art.



“When you seek beauty in all people and all things, you will not only find it, you will become it.”